From the Desk of Ryan Ruf:
Brothers and Sisters,
I would like to send good thoughts and wishes your way. As Covid protocols loosen for the summer, I still urge all BAC 3 members to play it safe, wash your hands frequently. If you are sick do not go to work and get tested if you have been in contact with someone who tested positive with Covid-19.
Summer is here and the annual road trips that most families take have become a financial burden. As I write this, gasoline is over $8.00 dollars in some parts of California. I am very proud to live in California and support a green future, but I fear going green too fast will raise gas prices to over $10.00. We must keep in mind that California continues to drill and refine oil, and these prices reflect that. If this state bans either, we would be dependent on other states foreign and domestic. So, what is the answer? I cannot say for sure, but I do know banning, and dismantling the California oil industry in one fell swoop of legislation would harm every commuter in California financially; not to mention the Refractory Bricklayers and the other union crafts that work in those refineries.
The California primary elections have concluded on June 7th, BAC 3 has done their best to interview and conversate with candidates for the last six months. Endorsement can be found on our website www.bac3-ca.org. When selecting a candidate, we keep one thing in mind; is this person best for the membership? We need more labor agreements for cities, counties, school district, and private projects, so I want every member to vote their paycheck this November.
Retiree Luncheons will begin June 22nd, starting in San Jose. It has been over 2 years since our last luncheon. I am very happy to see everyone and catch up over a great meal. I joined BAC Local 3 because I wanted to have a comfortable retirement. Now as an officer of Local 3, I want to make sure every retiree feels appreciated for their years of service.
Congratulations to all apprentices that participated in our local contest in April and good luck to the contestants who moved on to the Western States Competition in Irvine, California on June 11th.