From the desk of Colin Johnson:
Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
It is amazing how fast a year can go by! This time last year I was still getting my feet wet as the newest field representative on staff. Starting a month before COVID 19 brought California to a screeching halt was intimidating to say the least. Now here we are a year later with vaccines available to all Californians and more projects starting every day. I am still very proud of our members for helping lead the way to getting back to normal.
The word ‘normal’ has changed for almost everyone in the world. I do not think we will ever be the same as we were before the virus, but we will continue to move forward. The other field reps and I have been hitting the pavement hard helping to getting our members back to work. Now with more jobsites opening and new ones starting all over the state, we need more new members.
Local 3 organizers have also been working hard to increase our membership and continue to advertise across many mediums for Tile Setters and Finishers. The organizers are also planning several job actions this summer against our non-union targets. We will be needing help from members as these actions start to happen. These are crucial in our fight to keep area wage standards and our share of the market in the Unions favor.
As the cool days of spring give way to the heat of summer, work is steadily picking up all over Northern California and our brother and sisters are getting back on jobsites. I urge everyone to stay vigilant and keep an eye on each other. Heat stroke is a serious threat when working outside. Staying hydrated and cool is crucial. Remember to take water breaks and watch for any symptoms including hot dry skin, confusion or disorientation, slurred speech, seizures or convulsions, throbbing headache, and very high body temp. If any of these symptoms occur, call 911 immediately. Once the paramedics have been called, move the person to a cool shaded place. Do not give them anything to drink as this could pose a choking hazard. Always remember to take a break if you feel yourself becoming disoriented.
There are many activities that come with summer as well. Trips to lakes, the beach, hiking, floating the rivers, amusement parks and many more. Make sure to take time with your family, enjoy yourself and remember why we work as hard as we do. Local 3 is also having the annual picnic, and the annual fishing trip. Information for each will be mailed to members in the coming months.
Last summer’s doubt and pessimism from COVID 19 have turned to hope and optimism for the future. That future for Local 3 continues to look bright, and with help from everyone we can continue to grow this Union and make it stronger than ever.
Work hard and stay safe,
Colin Johnson