From the Desk of Troy Garland,
California issued its first “stay at home” order on March 19th, over one year ago. As more vaccines are distributed, COVID cases continue to trend lower and restrictions should continue to relax unless we experience another spike in cases. When BAC members or other building trades workers are exposed on a jobsite, a “Notice of Potential Workplace Exposure to COVID-19” is sent to the Union Hall. While these notices have decreased significantly, we must all continue to follow COVID protocols on and off the jobsite. As vaccines bring the pandemic under control, there is reason for hope. While some may be hesitant about getting the COVID vaccine, please consider that the benefits outweigh the risks. We must do what we can, as many of our brothers and sisters have been affected. Our hearts go out to those individuals and families who have lost loved ones. The world that lies ahead of us will likely look different than the one we are leaving behind, but the future looks much brighter without COVID.
Our BAC office is now open, but you will need to make an appointment to visit. We will be ramping up our (COMET) Construction Organizing Member Education Training and our (VOC) Voluntary Organizing Committee meetings to educate members on organizing strategies and to discuss the most effective ways for members to assist in our organizing goals. We are also optimistic that we will be able to hold our BAC Local 3 Picnic, Fishing Trip, and other events later this year depending on the county re-opening guidelines. Journeyman upgrade classes at our training centers will also be increasing. Please make sure your contact information at the Union Hall is up to date, as we continue to use text, email, and mailings to reach out to members.
I want to take this opportunity to recognize some of our own Local 3 members and Officers. San Francisco Building and Construction Trades Council (SFBCTC) Secretary Treasurer and CEO Tim Paulson has retired as of January 1, 2021. Tim’s labor positions include Tile Layer, Foreman, Apprentice Instructor, BAC 3 Business Agent, Organizer, San Mateo Central Labor Council (CLC) Political Director, 13 years as SF CLC Executive Director, and the last 3 years at SFBCTC. Tim stepped into the position when leadership was needed and helped update the SFBCTC and how it operates. He has successfully negotiated multiple PLA’s that will provide thousands of work hours for our members and members of all the Building Trades.
BAC Local 3’s own Vice Chairmen Gary Peifer and Steve Kantoniemi both retired on
February 28, 2021. Gary has held almost every position our local requires: Bricklayer Journeyman, Foreman, Apprentice Instructor, Field Representative, Organizer, Vice Chairman, Secretary Treasurer, Trustee for our JATC, LMCC, Pensions, and Health and Welfare. Gary was the Vice President of the Sacramento Building Trades Council and has negotiated multiple PLA’s for the betterment of all local trade unions.
Steve was a Master Marble Mason and a well-known Foreman for Cunningham Marble Company and worked on numerous high-profile projects in San Francisco and throughout the Bay Area. Steve held positions of Marble Finisher, Marble Mason, Foreman, Apprentice Instructor, Field Representative for the San Francisco area, Vice Chairman, Trustee for our JATC, LMCC, Pensions, and Health and Welfare. Steve has negotiated many agreements during his career and spoke in favor of many PLA’s assisting the Building Trades Councils for the betterment of all the Building Trades.
Together, these three have over a century of dedication to the labor movement. Their accomplishments and benefits to the building trades and the labor movement are immeasurable. A special thanks to all they have done for the members and families of BAC Local 3. We wish Tim, Gary, and Steve a well-deserved retirement. You will all be missed.