Life BAC member Salvatore Lagana_Monterey Christmas Dinner!
Life BAC member Manny Sears_San Jose Chapter Meeting!
From the Desk of Dave Jackson,
I hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving Holiday with family and friends. I would like to thank all our members who attended the November 2nd General meeting in Oakland, it was the largest turnout we had in a long time. Our monthly Chapter meeting attendance has increased as well. I hope this trend continues.
Informative reports were given by all union Officers, Representatives, and Organizers at the General meeting. Reports confirmed that work in the Bay Area will remain steady, and that planned projects in Sacramento will provide members work in 2020. We continue to sign up new apprentices for most of our trades. If you know someone interested in starting a career in BAC 3, have them call our office to discuss job openings with a local Field Representative. They will need to fill out an application at the union office and the appropriate apprenticeship office. A lot has changed since I served my Apprenticeship in the San Francisco Bricklayers Local 7, but the need for good apprentices willing to learn and work hard, has not.
2019 has been a challenging year for BAC 3. We have negotiated 5 Collective Bargaining Agreements, and because of our members’ strength, solidarity, and craftsmanship, we have secured good wage and benefit increases in all 5 agreements. Most of our Agreements now require Journey Worker upgrade courses to be available and attended. We will be updating our training schedules and making them available to all members early next year. Completing these courses will keep members current on safety training certifications and new material and installation methods. This makes members more employable and productive, which in turn helps the union in future negotiations for improved wages, benefits, and working conditions.
Living with Natural Disasters has always been part of living in California. Destructive Wildfires have become an annual occurrence. We know some of our members were forced to evacuate their homes, miss work because of it, and risk injury and property damage. We would like to hear from all members who may have incurred any loss due to disasters.
The IUBAC Disaster Relief Fund has been a welcome source of sustenance for members affected by natural or other disasters. The program is funded through the personal contributions of the IU Executive Board, Local Union/ADC Officers, members, signatory contractors, and through IU and Local Union grants.
To request assistance from the Fund, please contact Secretary Treasurer Troy Garland at the San Leandro office. The local will work with the International Union to provide assistance checks to members in need as soon as possible. If you have further questions, please contact the International Union’s toll-free number at 1-888-880-8222 or email askbac@bacweb.org.
Listed below are membership Service Awards received in 2019. Congratulations and Thank You for your dedicated service.
25 year: Honorio Casas, Richard Cogburn, Domenico Distefano, Kent Doman, Anatoli Gerchberg, William Leger, Chris Smith, J Paul Lucero, Dennis McCamey, James Nash, Mario Ramirez, Rodney Rocha, Randy Smith, Dennis Sullivan, Mark Sylvester, Timothy Simmons, DePeng Tang, Wilfred Van Wig, George Wheeler, Charles Williams,
40 year: Mario Abruzzini, Raymond Ausban Jr., Eugene Carden, Steve Ellington, Mark Fewins, Ronald Garcia, David Gonzales, Bernd Gotzhein, Greg Harris, Edward Heredia Jr., Richard Hoyt, Gary Johnson, John Jones, David Lancaster, Steve Lozano, Robert Mazza, Norberto Pereira, Robert Rathburn Sr., Robert Reck II, David Sousa, James Stine, Melvin Stringer, Andres Tapia, Roger Walls.
50 year: Paul Aragon, Lewis Cady, William Caruso, Lenair Chess, Angelo Demaria Jr., Horace Eppinette, Sonny Faoro, Kent Jones, Larry Kitchuck, Earl Smith, Gene Statler, Charles Toney, Arnold Webb.
The 21st Annual BAC 3 Crab Feed will be held on January 25, 2020 in Vallejo. The Annual Crab Feed is the only fund raiser for the BAC 3 Sullivan-Kraw Scholarship Fund. As always, there will be plenty of good food and great raffle prizes. The proceeds from this event directly impact the amount of scholarships awarded to families of BAC 3 members. Please mark your calendar and watch your mail for more information.
January Chapter meetings for San Jose and Sacramento will be cancelled due to the Holidays. We look forward to seeing you at future meetings to share information and ideas.
I would like to recognize the good work done by the Field Reps, Office Staff, and Officers again this year. They handle all issues presented to them in a professional manner that benefits the members. Be sure to contact me at the San Leandro office if you need assistance or are unclear on any union issue so that we can help.
On behalf of the Local 3 Officers and Staff, I take this opportunity to thank you for your commitment to BAC and wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.
Work safe and honor all pickets.
Dave Jackson