From President Dave Jackson’s Desk:
Brothers and Sisters,
Summer time is here, and construction activity continues to be strong in the Bay Area. Many large projects are bidding in the Sacramento area. UC Merced is providing jobs in the South Valley. If you are between jobs and available to work, even for a short period, make sure you call the union office and put your name on the out of work list. Field Reps need to know you are ready for work so they can dispatch you.
As our signatory contractors expand their scope of work into other BAC crafts, they offer new work opportunities for our members. Another important way of increasing work opportunities is continuing to build our contractor base.
I have always believed our union trained members who take the next step to contracting, make some of our best signatory contractors. With this in mind, BAC 3 and the International Masonry Institute (IMI) presented our first Contractor Development Program (CDP) class on June 23 at the Mason Development Center. This course is a full day, with webinars (or local classes depending on interest) on related issues offered as follow up courses. The class was at capacity, with 20 members and contractor representatives in attendance. IMI Regional Representatives Tom Elliott and Maria Michalowski presented the course. Benesys Administrators and BAC 3 Vice Chairs Darin Compton and Gary Peifer made presentations and answered questions. Attendees filled out evaluation sheets and the Program was well received. Instructor Elliott said “I really enjoyed presenting to this group. This group was very engaged and those who were there had a lot of interest in growing or starting a company.” We have already started a new sign up sheet for our next presentation; please contact me if you are interested.
We also held a membership meeting for Pointer, Cleaner, Caulker negotiations on June 23. I am happy to report the parties have agreed to a 5 year extension. New agreement terms, and wage and benefit schedules have been mailed out to members and contractors. The agreement booklets are being drafted. They will be mailed to all PCC members. Until then, make sure you call if you have any questions regarding the MOA. Thank you to negotiation committee members Troy Garland, Gary Peifer, Steve Kantoniemi, James Mayse, and all the PCC members who attended the related meetings.
Mike Theriault will be retiring from his Secretary Treasurer position at the San Francisco Building and Construction Trades Council on August 1, 2018. Mike has represented all building trades affiliates very well for 13 years. The amount of negotiated union jobs and Project Labor Agreements Mike has signed has provided innumerable work hours BAC members. I wish Mike a happy, healthy, and well-deserved retirement.
BAC 3’s own Tim Paulson has made a successful transition from his 13 years as Executive Director of the San Francisco Central Labor Council to the position of Secretary Treasurer of the SF Building Trades. Tim has the background for the position; his experience as a Tile Layer, Foreman, Apprentice Instructor, BAC 3 Business Agent, Organizer, San Mateo CLC Political Director, and SF CLC Executive Director have all made him an excellent choice for the position. I look forward to Tim continuing his good work for all the Building Trades affiliates.
We have recently held our third COMET class this year on June 23rd and will schedule another later this year. Organizers Darin Compton and Dave Tafoya teach the class. This is very good and useful information for all members. Please take an interest in our organizing efforts and commit to attending an upcoming class. Call the union office to reserve a spot.
I wish you and your families an enjoyable summer. I hope to see you at our Annual Membership Picnic on September 22, 2018 at Great America. You will be receiving the flyer in the mail soon.
Work Safe and Honor All Pickets, Dave