From the Desk of Troy Garland,
As our organizing efforts continue, members are playing a larger role. Membership participation is critical to the success of our organizing efforts. The International Union has instructed all BAC Locals across the county to institute COMET Classes and a Volunteer Organizing Committee.
BAC completed its second COMET class on April 7th. COMET or Construction Organizing Membership Education Training is critical to our long term organizing success. The class curriculum includes all aspects of why and how we organize, including National and Local trends. Members also learn how they can play a key role in organizing non-union workers and how to assist newly organized members. We have received good feedback on this class and would like to see our members sign up for more classes to come.
Our BAC (VOC) Volunteer Organizing Committee met for the first time on March 24th. This Committee is made up of the Management Committee, Darin Compton (Management Committee and Lead Organizer), Dave Tafoya (Organizer) and active BAC members Ben Brown, Armando Diaz, Dennis Goodwin, Laurie Harris, and Randy Oliveira. We are still looking for a PCC and Terrazzo member to join this committee. If you are interested, contact the Union Hall. The VOC reviews our current organizing plan and determines if we are meeting our goals. The committee also makes suggestions on how to improve our tactics, strategies and overall plan. A large part of our discussions was how the membership can help BAC organize contractors and new members.
At the VOC Meeting, Ben Brown noted the phrase; “See Something – Say Something.” I thought this was the perfect slogan for our membership.
- If you see a project off the beaten path that our Field Reps may not know about, “Say Something” – Call your Field Representative!
- If you are on a project and see a company performing BAC 3 work and are not sure if they are Union, “Say Something” – Call your Field Representative!
- If you are working on a job with non-union workers “Say Something” Tell them the benefits of being union; get them in touch with the Union!
- If you are working on a project and another trade is performing the work jurisdiction of BAC, “Say Something” – Call your Field Representative!
- Want to remain anonymous? “Say Something” – Leave an anonymous message @ 510-632-8781 after hours.
Unions Begin with You – AFL-CIO
“When working people come together, they make things better for everyone. Joining together in unions enables workers to negotiate for higher wages and benefits and improve conditions in the workplace. There are millions of union members in America from all walks of life. These individuals know that by speaking up together, you can accomplish more than you could on your own.”
If you are on Unemployment, you must be on the Out of Work List every week.
We recently were asked by the State of California Employment Development Department (EDD) if one of our members was on the list during the time they were receiving unemployment compensation. The EDD may eliminate, reduce or delay your compensation for not being on the Out of Work List. BAC Local 3 will not manipulate records or turn in nonfactual information to the EDD. Make sure you call in every Monday when you are out of work, especially when receiving unemployment compensation.
COMET class 4-7-2018