From the Desk of Gary Peifer:
As we say good-bye to 2017 and ring in the new year, our Union is ever busy securing work for 2018. We have signed a PLA for the Wilton Rancheria Hotel-Casino-Convention in Elk Grove. The project, valued at $660 million is scheduled to break ground in 2018 and is a Union only PLA. The Sacramento Unified School District PSA first signed in 2005 has been extended to 2020 with the threshold for projects being lowered to $500,000.00 from $1,000,000.00 to cover even more work. The PSA also has a summer apprenticeship orientation program for the Districts High School students to become aware of careers in the trades. We have recently met with the developers on a high-rise tower that will approach 40 stories and become the tallest building in Sacramento.
Work continues to require more manpower in Brick and Tile from Truckee to Merced. To meet this demand, BAC 3 staff have and will continue to organize non-union workers with the help of BAC 3 members. As members your eyes and ears are crucial in monitoring non-union contractors and recruiting new craftworkers. Efforts to gain more tile and stone work in the valley are underway with BAC Signatory tile contactors recently being awarded larger projects and committing to bid the future work that is emerging. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize the BAC 3 members employed by DC Tile of Grass Valley for the high-quality workmanship displayed on their projects. It is truly our best asset when promoting Union labor. Our Sacramento and Stockton chapter meetings continue to be very well attended and are a direct source of input to Union officers. The November General meeting in Manteca was at capacity and a true testament of the solidarity and commitment of BAC 3 members.
During this season of family and giving, I would remind all who have enjoyed the benefits of our labor in 2017 to share those blessings with those less fortunate in the coming year. IU President and Local 3 CA member Jim Boland’s recent BAC Journal Message reminded us of the need to “prioritize the Brothers and Sisters of BAC”. Adversity takes many forms and can unexpectedly strike anyone of us anywhere and at any time. In California, it recently took the form of some of the worst fires in US history. In other areas of our International Union, hurricanes and flooding besieged BAC members and their families.
Therefore, in the spirit and solidarity of our Union, I challenge all BAC 3 CA members to join me by each donating 1 hours pay to the BAC DISASTER RELIEF FUND. Checks should be made payable to the BAC Disaster Relief Fund and mailed to;
c/o IU Executive President Gerard Scarano
620 F Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004
Write that check today. For in doing so, we insure the future support of our UNIONS greatest asset, YOU, the BAC member. I look forward to representing and achieving our goals with each of you in 2018. Be well and travel safely.